Just because it’s winter, it doesn’t mean all the outside fun has to stop. Besides, there’s a saying, “there’s no bad weather, only bad clothes.” There’s another saying that goes, “If you fail to prepare, then prepare to fail.” This is all to say that you can always dress for the weather. By preparing for snowy and frigid conditions, you’re less likely to be distracted by them, and instead, you’ll enjoy the flurries.
If you’re like us and want to take advantage of the snow-covered hills and towns, the forced slowing down, and all things cozy, peep this list for some winter activities to try. Who knows, you may just discover your new favorite winter hobby.
Cross Country Skiing

Cross Country Skiing is a kind of skiing where you continually shift your weight from one leg to the other to move across snowy areas rather than using ski lifts to get around. It’s a great form of exercise and is super easy to learn.
Pair it with: Faika Short Puffer

Make Homemade Hot Chocolate

What better way to bring back old memories from our childhood than making homemade hot chocolate? This cozy drink only takes a handful of ingredients: cocoa powder, sugar, and your favorite milk. Plus, if you want to booze it up a little, Peppermint Schnapps is always a fun add-on.
Backcountry Hut Trips

Up for a little adventure? Why not see if there are backcountry huts you can hike to nearby? There’s usually a reservation system to reserve a bed online so start your research there. If you do a simple overnighter, you’ll remember this trip for years.
Pair it with: Vivian Mid-Length Parka

Visit A Natural Hot Springs

If you’re really missing swimsuit season, fear not. Visit a natural hot springs for that hot tub feel without any of the harsh chemicals. Plus, you’re usually surrounded by beautiful scenery. Think: lush trees, naturally-made pools, and crisp air.
Ice Skating

Grab your significant other and some friends and enjoy a day (or night) on a frozen lake. Bundle up and grab a pair of ice skates for a fun day remembering what balance is all about.
Pair it with: Coco-M Cropped Puffer

See The Nutcracker Ballet
Not all of us are outdoor aficionados and prefer a relaxing night watching ballet. Now’s the perfect time to catch the Nutcracker, and let your holiday spirit leap to life.
Horseback Riding

Explore the woods with a strong and totally adorable horse leading the way. Make it romantic by inviting your significant other, then get dinner afterward (or before). Make sure to find a stable that takes care of their horses and keeps their safety top of mind.
Pair it with: Miriam Short Quilted Jacket

Read By The Fire
Few things are better than picking up a novel and reading by the fire late at night when everyone’s settling down and the outside noises fall to a low hum. If you’re in need of a good book, there are plenty of lists catering to exactly what you’re interested in.
Sleigh Rides

Want to ride atop something that doesn’t have four legs? Try a sleigh ride. It’ll likely still be guided by horses, but you’ll have a comfy seat you can share with your significant other under a warm blanket.
Pair it with: Ivy Maxi Puffer

Make a Pot of Mulled Wine
Mulled Wine doesn’t quite hit the spot during the Summer, but it’s perfect for a chilly evening in the Winter. Find a recipe online, grab the ingredients from your local grocery store, and spend the night experimenting with different ingredients.
Bake Cookies

You know what goes amazing with mulled wine? Cookies. Find a recipe online or come up with your own. Time the cookies and mulled wine so you can enjoy both warm together.

Put the pedal to the metal with some snowmobiling on groomed trails. Find a company online that offers guided snowmobiling tours so the only thing you have to worry about is how fast you can go along the snow.
Pair it with: Lotte Cropped Puffer

Snow Tubing

Another fun-filled activity is snow tubing. Much like sledding, it’s when you take a tube down a hill. The nice thing about snow tubing at a ski resort is that they usually have a conveyor belt to bring you back to the top. So you get all the fun without the work of dragging the tube back up to the top of the hill. Win win.
Pair it with: Caroline Mid-Length Parka

Drink Eggnog With Friends

Another seasonal beverage favorite is eggnog—with or without brandy. You can either pick up a jug from the grocery store or make your own. Either way, it’s one of those drinks that after you’ve had a glass you’re good for the rest of the season, but you at least need to have one glass.
Aprés Ski
Skip the skiing and go straight to the “aprés.” “Aprés Ski” is a French term that translates literally to “after ski” or “after skiing.” This usually includes imbibing on drinks and food after a long day of skiing, but who says you need to have actually skied to “earn” the Apres Ski? This is your winter, you do you.
Pair it with: Bonita Short Puffer

Attend a Hockey Game

Maybe instead of skating on the ice yourself, you’d rather watch a bunch of professional athletes score goals on one either, with a couple of checks thrown in here and there. In which case, we’re all for cheering for your favorite hockey team with your closest friends up in the stands.
Go Snowshoeing

Another super fun winter activity is snowshoeing around a lake, through a forest, or even in a field. Many sporting goods stores rent out snowshoes and you can usually ask them for a stunning place to snowshoe. It’s a great activity for those of us who like to hike, but want to stay on top of the snow instead of sinking into it.
Pair it with: Evita-X Cropped Vegan Leather Puffer

Make and Wear an Ugly Christmas Sweater
Winter time calls for sweaters, and oftentimes, there will be an Ugly Christmas Sweater Party. And even if the time for ugly Christmas sweaters has passed, that shouldn’t stop you from keeping the fun going for the rest of the winter. No one said ugly sweaters can’t be used for Valentine’s Day if the weather calls for it.
Have a Bonfire

If you can safely host a bonfire, a raging fire is perfect for cold nights. No one gets too hot and it’s a fun way to stay warm with your friends outdoors.
Pair it with: Harriet Long Length Parka

Take a Hot Bubble Bath

On some cold, winter days we don’t want to do an activity. We want to soak in a hot bath surrounded by lavender-scented bubbles. So, do it. Find a relaxing playlist, light some candles, turn off the lights, and enjoy a calming soak. Winter can wait.
Hopefully, you’ll try some of these activities this winter to make the most of a wonderful season. If you take any Noize apparel out with you on an adventure, make sure to tag us on your social accounts. We’d love to adventure with you!